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play, bonding & frogs

Frogs in Mugs

This is the merry pond where my zany ideas come to life.

My ongoing mission to promote open communication and inspire creative thinking among families, all while making everyone smile and connecting with their true selves. Here's what to expect:

Froggy Goodies

Practical tools to bond with your kiddos, foster their creativity, and help them conquer the world, the attic, another planet, or whatever floats their boat. In our ever-changing landscape, being adaptable and innovative is key.

Tips for Parents

Insights to better understand your kids, find playfulness in everyday life, and strengthen your relationship with them. Building strong bonds is crucial for a happy family life and a fulfilling future for our children.

Upcoming App

Every family is unique, each day brings changes, and there’s no one-size-fits-all manual. With you as an expert on your family and our personalized support, we can actually make the world a better, kinder place.


Wanna hop along?

Follow our froggy journey on Instagram or subscribe to our newsletter to stay in the loop about our latest adventures. I'd love to welcome you to the pond!

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